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Amir portrait.jpg

I love C++

C++ is the violin of programming languages
Saying C++ is a bad language because it's so easy to shoot yourself in the foot 
is like saying violins are bad instruments because it's so hard to hit a note.

I love computer graphics & computer games

Silentia - The Game
Silentia - The Game

I love music

Amurli - Four Hands
Amurli - Wien
Amurli - Spring
Amurli - Form and Function (Generator)
Amurli - It's a strange and beautiful world
Amurli - Captain Future Theme
Amurli - Clouds
Amurli - Happy Song
Amurli - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
Amurli - Glacier
Amurli - Simmer
Amurli - Flappy
Amurli - Uplift
Amurli - Dance
Amurli - Roboterliebe2000
Amurli - Nur Du und Ich
Amurli - Smooth
Amurli - Feuerblume
Amurli - Die Warme Decke 2

I love art

My business cards :)
My spray-painted bag

I love machine learning & computer vision

I love electronics & fire

My Hero
Flame thrower robot
Rooting the MK802II_A20
A stepper driver board

I love video games

I love Super Mario Bros.

I love fractals

I love laser cutting

I love parties

I love ad-hoc contraptions :)

Fully automatic stone grinder


Citation without an A-Level ("[21] Hassan, A. libnfporb, May 2018") (Hassan, A. a Hans, M. (2018))