Vienna Data Science Group

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Vienna Data Science Group
Status: active
Thema: Monthly team meeting of the Vienna Data Science Group
Gestartet: 02/07/2015
Organisator: wulf
Treffen: monthly
Zielgruppe: team meeting
Inhalt: This association aims to promote knowledge about data science methods/big data techniques and its diverse applications. In its

focus is new research happening in these fields as well as its impact on society

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21.01.2013
Aim of VDSG

This association aims to promote knowledge about data science methods/big data techniques and its diverse applications. In its focus is new research happening in these fields as well as its impact on society'

Next Meetings

Agenda - Thu, 2015-07-02, 19:00

  • Lecture about 'Deep learning' - Rene Donner (CEMM)
  • New members for VDSG
  • AOB

