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Version vom 8. Juni 2019, 12:02 Uhr von Pepi (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→‎Who: Status Update, nachdem erstaunlich viele Menschen in dieser Liste es nicht schaffen ihren Status selbst upzudaten.)
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Language: English
Phonebooth at OHM2013

Chaos Communication Camp 2019

  • The next iteration of the Chaos Communication Camp
  • When: From August 21st to August 25th 2019
  • Where: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlin (google maps)

Will there be a LeiwandVille ?

That depends on you!

Camp Orga Meetups

The next camp meetup will be on 5.6.2019 20.00h . Be there!


Camp Location auf Google Maps:,13.3069191,125m/data=!3m1!1e3

Ticket Shop Standard Ticket beginnt bei 295,- €, Support- und Business-Tickets sowie Up-and-Coming Tickets ab 75,- € sind verfügbar. Camper/Caravan/Wohnwagen/Wohnanhänger brauchen ein eigenes Parkticket.


Metafunk SatFunk QO-100

Seit Anfang des Jahres ist der geostationäre Satellit Es'hail-2 mit Amateurfunk-Transpondern QO-100 in Betrieb.

Dome 2.0

more dome more good!

your project?

add your project now!


Camp Inhabitants Means of Travel Arrival/Departure Plans and Projects Ticket Achieved
ripper Hopefully with a big car, transporting the Dome and lots of stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Dome_2.0, c3troc, ridiculous Kart, RC stuff, and more?
MacLemon Car TBA c3troc, RC Cars, Flying things
anlumo Flight VIE->TXL, Bus 2019-08-18, 2019-08-25 Berlin Sightseeing,
overflo Camper JIT Familycamp sorry no respawn :(
cube not known yet very early, very late Field Telephone stuff, perhaps a talk about knots
emi lives in berlin unsure Cameras and stuff, who would have guessed ;)
datacop probably car unsure HAM Radio n stuff?
AndiS probably transport car bringing Phonebooth Build up Tear down Leiwandville, HAM Radio n stuff?
Eisbaer probably BE Licence 2nd Driver Build up Tear down Dome, HAM Radio n stuff?
BadPractice Can someone give me a ride please :) very early, very late Learning knots sounds fun
Jackie Car 12.08.2019 - 25. or 26.08.2019 nothing yet
fbr Car (BE license) buildup teardown nothing yet
eest9 Zug 🤷‍♀️ Talk, Camp and Dating?
Zwax + 2 Kids Zug/Bus 21. - 25.8. Om Nom Nom
nini loldunnoyet loldunnoyet loldunnoyet
Carina loldunnoyet loldunnoyet loldunnoyet
VT100 T4 TBA @c3cert
maria ? ? ?
fin ? ? ?
Zem ? ? ?
Joli + Jenny (Frau) + 2 Kinder Auto+Wohnwagen 21.8 - 25/26.8 JoLi-Blaster, Micropython ESP32/ESP8266, HAM
you? Phone-Box yes timey-wimey stuff