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Super Gamedev Weekend/2011

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.

A whole weekend to create new games, the popular concept of 48hrs game development jams is taking its place at metalab once more. The weekend is 9th to 11th of december 2011. At the beginning (that's at around 6pm) we will jam to agree on a common topic and at the end of the event all participants are invited to vote on everyone's game to find the winner of a fantastic price.

Participants (add yourself please)

Pretty much anyone can participate, a good game dev team consists of a programmer, a graphic artist, a sound artist and a writer. Teams are often established before the weekend but you can compete solo or join forces with others on Friday. You don't have to add yourself to the list, just turn up at metalab.

  • TomK32 and beanieboi will defend last year's victory
  • Kelvan
  • Knizz
  • simon
  • beanie (+2)
  • ido
  •  +1 // Metalab - Member // ich will nicht von google indiziert werden
  • +1 // Google liebt dich
  • Elk


Solo participants are welcome but a team of two to four people is most efficient. During the event please add your team and game here and update often to keep track of progress. Metalab has a github account for open source games: http://github.com/metalab


It's yet uncertain if metalab will provide a price like last year, but there's already €50 in the pot from one of the participants.

Some Help


Super simple tools are e.g. http://www.bfxr.net/ and Audacity for editing your sounds.

Archived Workshops

Last year we had a workshop for everyone new to game programming and if interest is strong enough we might re-schedule those.


The chaotic and bug-infested presentation on Sunday set aside, Subotron has invited us to present the finished(?) games at their pro games series, that would be on December 22nd, enough time to really finish our games ;-)

ludum dare 22

Want more? The week after, from 16th to 18th december, ludum dare 22 is taking place and a few metalabber will compete for this as well.

Organisation / Questions

Questions to tomk32@tomk32.de