Super Gamedev Weekend/2011
A whole weekend to create new games! The popular concept of 48hrs game development jams is taking its place at Metalab once more. The weekend is 9th to 11th of December 2011. At the beginning (Fri at around 18:00) we will agree on a topic, and at Sunday evening (at around 22:00) all participants are invited to vote on everyone's game to find the winner of a fantastic trophy. In last year's game jam we created seven games, let's top that! Why compete in game jams, and why are there never too many? The theme was chosen to be occupy. In Retrospective
GamesSolo participants are welcome but a team of two to four people is most efficient. During the event please add your team and game here and update often to keep track of progress. Metalab has a github account for open source games: The Herd - WinnerYou are a sheep and occupy others. The only 3D game, winner in graphics/sound and overall winner. C++ with OGRE, solo by @anlumo1 Download link for binary for Mac OS X 10.6+ Occupy Bull $treetRide you bull down the street and fun over all those protesters. Winner in Fun/Works, second overall. Processing, Kinect, three ppl team. Spray 'em allA nice walk through the park, but don't forget your pepper spray. Started in Love2d rewritten in flash. OctopiWaldStreetContains no Wald at all, control your car with PS Move controllers, shake it hard and hunt buildings that hop more often than your T.A.R.D.I.S. Python, three ppl team
IsobobThink nethack, think dwarf fortress and forget the theme. But it runs in a DOS Box! solo by ido OccupartiedI got that song in my playlist: They Raided Joint. But here you help some zombie to escape a disco raided by the cops. Traders of the Lost ParkBoardgame like solo by TomK32. Javascript 99%Incomplete, just a video but pokemo is clearly an inspiration if you set up police vs. protesters. Florian Hufsky Award![]() In memorian of oneup we will award a priced named after him to the winning game of the contest. kewagi created a trophy for the over-all winner. Some Help
And don't forget, metalab has a Kinect that anyone can try for creative game controlling.
Archived WorkshopsLast year we had a workshop for everyone new to game programming and if interest is strong enough we might re-schedule those. PresentationThe chaotic and bug-infested presentation on Sunday set aside, Subotron has invited us to present the finished(?) games at their pro games series, that would be on December 22nd, enough time to really finish our games ;-) Ludum dare 22Want more? The week after, from 16th to 18th December, ludum dare 22 is taking place and a few metalabber will compete for this as well. Want even more? the gamejam calendar knows it all. Organisation / QuestionsQuestions to |