N9 Hackathon

- Sat/Sun 8. - 9. Oktober 2011
- Location: Metalab Vienna
- contact info: thp
- Hacks in/on/around/for the Nokia N9
- Catering and accomodation sponsored by Nokia Austria
More details

- Blog Announcement, meego.com forum post
- Mailing list announcement
- Some N9s will be available on location for development and testing purposes
- If you have a N950 or N900, bring it (we can deploy most apps on them too!)
- You don't need a device to participate - you can deploy and test onto the test devices
- We will have some NFC Tags we can use for experimenting/developing
Photos, Videos, Blogs
- Photos: thp's photo set, add link to your photos here
- Videos: thp's video, add link to your videos here
- Blogs: Marius' review, add link to your blog post here
Results, Source code
- Connect to eduroam (TU Vienna) with the N9
- QML Time Tracker Git repository
- Quick on-device QML test facility: script, runner
- gotoVienna Git repository
List of participants

Coming from abroad / sponsored accomodation:
- Tom Hutchinson
- Timothy Kist
- Marius Gedminas
- Rodrigo Linfati
- Neal H. Walfield
Locals / no accomodation:
- thp
- kelvan
- merlin1991
- Horrendus
- Gregor (gregor at ediwo.com)
- Lukas Hetzenecker (LuHe)
- Dorian
- maarten
- albert
- stif (stif at gmx.at)
- add yourself if you were here
Projects and presentations

- QML UI + Harmattan package for gotoVienna: kelvan, thp
- QML UI + Harmattan package for Quassel2Go: merlin1991
- Porting packages to use Woodchuck: NealWalfield, thp (merging Woodchuck patches into gPodder)
- Improve libmygpo-qt (used in Nokia Podcasts): Horrendus
- Open Mobile Suite server application for the N9: Lukas Hetzenecker (LuHe)
- Porting of MeeGo to other devices (Snapdragon; HTC Desire HD): Lukas Hetzenecker (LuHe)
- QML UI + Harmattan package for GTimeLog: Marius Gedminas
- Improvements to Google Latitude Updater (Interface, code clean up, etc...): rlinfati
- Magic Emulator for people without NFC (or friends) Forever Alone (Unlock angry birds levels): rlinfati
- NFC tags, sound effects and networking: Tom Hutchinson, Tim Kist
- UDPsend slightly extended hello world to send out UDP packets on Button Press (QML UI & C++ class binding): stif
- QML UI + Harmattan package for gotoVienna: kelvan, thp
- Porting packages to use Woodchuck: NealWalfield, thp (merging Woodchuck patches into gPodder)
- QML UI + Harmattan package for GTimeLog: Marius Gedminas
- Improvements to Google Latitude Updater (Interface, code clean up, etc..): rlinfati
- Magic Emulator for people without NFC (or friends) Forever Alone (Unlock angry birds levels): rlinfati
- Improvements to sowatch: thp
- LightsOutClone - A simple lights out game with an online leaderboard: Tom Hutchinson, Tim Kist

- 20:00 - We'll meet up at Metalab and then go sightseeing/into the city
Saturday - First Hackathon day
- 09:00 - Kick-Off
- 09:30 - Talk: N9 Device Overview by Karl Pletschko of Nokia Austria
- 10:00 - Talk: N9 Development Overview and Q&A by Attila Csipa of Nokia Developer
- 11:00 - Hack away!
- ...
- 19:00 - "10 minutes later": Presentation of results - Demo Time!
- 20:00 - More hacking :)
- 22:30 - Lazzor/RepRap demo + tour with Wizard
- 23:00 - Dinner at Centimeter I
Sunday - Second Hackathon day
- 09:00 - Start of Day 2
- 09:40 - Talk: Python development teaser on the N9(50) by Thomas Perl
- 10:20 - Talk: Efficient bandwidth and energy use with Woodchuck by Neal Walfield
- 11:30 - Hack away!
- ...
- 14:00 - Lunch at Il Sestante
- 15:00 - Finishing touches - hack, hack, hack..
- 16:30 - Presentation of results - Demo Time!
- 18:00 - PyUGAT meetup: October 2011 Meetup of PyUGAT