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Language: English

Metainvasion - Hackathon 01
When? Sa, 2024-11-23 bis Su, 2024-11-24
Where? Metalab
Orga: becca
What? Hackathon
Cost? free of charge, donation for food
a weekend long metainvasion hackathon!
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 28.09.2024

Open for women, agender, inter, non-binary and trans people, as well as people questioning their gender. Please note that most people speak German on default but can switch to English. Also check the German version for the project and food lists specifically (delete the '/en' in the url).

- Start: Saturday 23. November 2024 10:00 breakfast, ~13:00 introduction and presenting projects

- End: Sunday 24. November 2024 ~18:00 presenting progress, bis ca. 23:00 casual ending

What is a Hackathon?

~36-48 hours being productive together. You can always hack, especially at Metalab – but its easier with an "official" event and in a group setting. This time the hackathon will be exclusively for women, agender, inter, non-binary and trans people, as well as people questioning their gender.

As always, there will be WLAN and ethernet, whiteboards, flipcharts, beamer, drinks and snacks.

There will be a short introduction round in the beginning. Whoever wants to can describe their project or plans - someone knowledgeable might be willing to spontaneously help with questions. You can also Am Anfang gibt es eine kurze Vorstellrunde. Wer möchte kann das eigene Projekt oder Vorhaben beschreiben – vielleicht findet sich ja spontan Mitstreiter*innen oder Expert*innen, die mit auftretenden Fragen helfen wollen. You can also ask for help or offer help in the participant list below. At the end, successes or failures can be presented.

The general rule is: hack instead of slack! Try to break out of your everyday routine and tackle something new!

Participants & Projects

Who? Project help needed can help with
becca Knopparp cover embroiderment sewing machines, questions about Metalab
name/nickname/user project help! can help
name/nickname/user project help! can help


You wanna do a workshop or talk? In the Library is comfortably space for 10 people. You can register in the list below. (also check with the German list first to make sure there is no other event planned already)


Time What? Who? Notes
10:00 breakfast becca there will be breakfast
13:00 introduction & project presentation everyone! short round with name + project
17:00 dinner
18:00 Show & Tell becca at the library
time description you?


Time What? Who? Notes
10:00 breakfast becca breakfast again!
18:00 progress presentation alle!
time description you?


Saturday: Who? What?

Sunday: Who? What?

How can I register/put my info here?

If you want an account to make edits in the wiki write a mail to core [at] metalab.at or ask becca. We will need a mail adress and the preferred name for the wiki account. Alternatively becca can input something for you, but if you need to update more often, it's worth having your own account.

The wiki is sometimes a bit strange, so you should check whether your changes have actually been saved. Sometimes there is a message at the top saying that it is only a preview or that the changes could not be applied. Just scroll down and save again. You may also have to log in again. Tips for formatting (in German)


for previous Hackathons (general) see: Hackathon