Marius Kintel
marius -at- kintel -dot- net
Jabber: - I blog almost exclusively original content, so please bookmark the RSS to keep an eye on my projects.
Flickr - Photos usually end up here, usually under a CC BY-SA license.
..previously known in the demoscene as Condor / Armada and Panoramic Designs.
..and facebook, although it adds absolutely no further information to the above.
- RepRap, 3D printing
- Electronics, Microcontrollers, Robotics, Physical computing etc.etc.
- Macroeconomics - The financial crisis was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a glimpse of the inner (non-) workings of the world.
- Real-time 3D programming (which I mostly do for a living); C/C++, OpenGL, Coin3D, Qt (the GUI toolkit), Objective-C/Cocoa
- Music - slowly moving here, Arduino synth is in the works, thanks to inspiration from Jay and Scripty.
- Poker - Texas Hold'em; fun, but too time consuming to master.
- Cooking - I enjoy cooking, although not as much as hacking.. Food Hacking anyone?
- Mac OS X (Linux, Unix - as long as it's not Windows I'm in)
- Wuzeln
- essence, any combination of technology, software, hardware, art and fun will make my day :)
- DareDroid (2010, 2011) - collaboration with Jane Tingley and Anouk Wipprecht
- OpenSCAD
- Ctrl-Cut - with Amir
- RepRap and Makerbot - with Wizard23
- 3D graphics effects
- SpaceInvaders - Firmware library programming
- Fridge - Firmware programming
- FPGA_MetaMatrix
- C64DTV - Hacking the C64-in-a-joystick
- TassimoHack - Alarm-clock triggered coffee machine
- ArtElectronique -
- MetaDMX - Hardware and firmware implementation of receiver part in progress
- Establishing, porting and developing Free Software toolchains for Microcontroller programming for use in non-Windows environments.
- potat0r (with Cygenb0ck)
- 1-wire hacking - no docs yet
- WhateverLab Umbau - Lab renovation
- Celebrate the Scene Party - Co-organization and realtime voting system
- Quadrocopter - The Mikrokopter version
- Discrete Amusement With Blinking Things - Paraflows workshop together with Wizard23
- Roboexotica contributions: RepRap Shotbot (2008), Loaded Question(2009), DareDroid (2010)
In Metalab
Incoming Ideas and Plans
- Fireball shooter
- Bicycle POV-display, and other POV-toys
- Hacking space (weather balloon?)
- Fun with accelerometers
- Synth building, MIDI hacking
- Welding - I need to build something big
- Antigravitation Technology