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Version vom 17. September 2016, 12:02 Uhr von BW (Diskussion | Beiträge) (removed comment)
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What Is This Voucher Thingy?

From the FAQ: As the capacity of the congress center is limited, we expect the tickets to sell out quite fast. To prevent the communities surrounding the CCC from being excluded, we decided to split the ticket presale into two phases. In the first phase, a ticket will be given out to everyone who gets a voucher. We have sent vouchers to last year's angels and speakers, to the local groups of CCC and other related groups. In the second phase, we will sell the rest of the tickets on a first-come first-served basis.

Once an order with a voucher has been payed, it may generate a second, new voucher. Those new vouchers are sent out in a batch once a day to all paid tickets with replicating vouchers. Some vouchers will generate replicating vouchers (those of Erfas, Chaostreffs, hackerspaces etc) while others (those of angels and speakers) will generate only a non-replicating voucher.

The 33C3 Events Blog adds: https://events.ccc.de/2016/09/13/33c3-ticket-sales/

33C3 Metalab/Leiwandville Attendee aka. "I Need a Voucher" List

Name Ticket (bezahlt) Bestell-Voucher erhalten Neuen Voucher erhalten & weiter gegeben Kommentar
Leyrer - -
hetti got Voucher, still need to pass on. ETA 16.9.16
anlumo passed to albert
albert pending
eest9 Hätte noch 2 Freunde die nicht beim Metalab o.ä. sind :/
ente hab schon einen von woanders
Vorli - gut befreundet mit Sonstwer bräuchte 4 Tickets
Pepi waiting for Voucher
Jackie eventuell ein zweites Ticket