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aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
You are too busy.
Mailmetalab-wiki at woerm.at



I'm pl. I've had been a very active part of metalab. You can see an overview of common things I've did for the metalab-crowd below.
In July 2016, after about five years of membership, I've decided to cancel my membership. If you end up at this page and need some help with something I was handling for metalab in the past, feel free to contact me.

My past at Metalab

  • Super active part Core mailinglist
  • Member of official elected board between 2015-07-25 and 2016-07-25
  • metalab-wiki edits, writing and resolving issue-tracker tickets
  • Cleaning up, fixing stuff, showing new people around the space
  • Chatting & helping other people
  • Jour Fixe protocols, moderation and participation
  • Helping out with the Lazzzor & 3D-Printer
  • Organizing several Hackathons with tkolar (huge thanks gem)
  • Gemeinschaftsabendessen (mostly with meta)

Wikipage based on HTML via. Jade & Markdown