Check-list for Attendees
Please collaborate and add the stuff you think that might be useful for the camp if i missed something.
- Important
- Ticket!!!
- Passport / ID
- European Health Insurance Card (or sth. similar)
- Towel
- Drinking bottle
- Notebook
- Camping
- Tent
- Sleeping Bag
- Mattress
- Flash light
- Batteries / Recharging unit
- Knife / Multi purpose tool
- Hammer
- Electronics
- Power cable
- Network cable
- Toilet stuff
- Soap
- Toilet Paper
- Toothbrush + Paste
- Comb
- Suncream (protection factor may vary from sunnyboy(0) to ultra-nerd(50))
- Insect repellent
- Misc
- Rain shelter
- some TB-HDs
- Clothes (for warm and cold weather)
- sun procection (such as a hat, cap, etc.)