Metaday 46
- on Friday, December 9 2011, 19:30 (20:00)
- at Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, downtown Vienna close to the city hall – free entry
The Prague hackerspace brmlab
Lecturers: | TBA
With a distance only a little further than Vienna - Salzburg the capital of the Czech Republic Prague is well within reach. Reasons enough to invite them to Vienna for show & tell about their amazing projects and their way to run a space. Our biohacking-interested parties are keen to learn about the brmlab biolab A return visit of Metalab people at Prague will take place in the near future.
Lightning TalksLightning Talks are a entertaining format of short lectures presenting current ideas, ongoing projects and particularly work-in-progress. The length of a talk is strictly limited to 5 minutes. You're invited to add your lightning talk below. Don't hesitate to apply even if you feel your presentation isn't perfectly formulated, this isn't expected for such rather spontaneous talks. Chronological order subject to change:
AfterpartyBuffet, wine and ambient/downtempo chillout music