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What's The Matter With "Freedom"

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.

-- A technological perspective

Public discussion with Emmanuel Goldstein

Emmanuel Goldstein is the editor and cofounder of 2600, which has been publishing since 1984. He traces his hacker roots to his college days at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the late 1970s. In fact, he wound up being the focus of an FBI raid on campus in 1983.

He is also the chief organizer of the Hackers On Planet Earth conferences, which have been held in New York City since 1994, bringing thousands of hackers from around the globe together to trade stories and techniques.

Emmanuel hosts America's only hacker radio show which airs on New York City's WBAI 99.5 FM every Wednesday evening. The program has also become extremely popular over the Internet. In addition, he directed/produced the film on the Kevin Mitnick story entitled "Freedom Downtime."

To this day Emmanuel enjoys playing with phones, operators, and customer service representatives worldwide. His passions include urban exploration, mind exploration, and space exploration.

When, where?

  • When: Tuesday, September 18 2007, 10:00 PM
  • Where: Metalab, Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna

As part of "MetaSpace in DiscourseLab"
(curated by J. Grenzfurthner)
Paraflows 2007

Emmanuel Goldstein