Vienna Open Lab excursion
An excursion to the Vienna Open Lab. We'll be doing the following course (unfortunately there's no English description):
Kein Tatort ohne DNA - Genetischer Fingerabdruck
Erstelle genetische Fingerabdrücke aus DNA-Spuren um einen außergewöhnlichen Diebstahl aufzuklären. In diesem Experiment schlüpfst du in die Rolle von KriminalbiologInnen. DNA wird aus Mundabstrichen gewonnen. Mittels Polymerase Ketten Reaktion (PCR) und anschließender DNA-Chip Analyse werden genetische Fingerabdrücke angefertigt. Vergleiche die DNA-Profile der "Verdächtigen" mit den "biologischen Spuren" um den TäterInnen auf die Spur zu kommen!''
Institute of Molecular Biology Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3 1030 Wien |
12 people voted for Fri, October 7th 2011 at 1:00 pm and we now have confirmation for that date.
We'll be there for about 4.5h and can have a 30 minute break if we want that.
How much?
12 Euro per person. We should meet at 12:45 in front of the Institute of Molecular Biology so I can collect the money from everyone.
The following participants signed up:
- citizen428
- phillep
- bons
- lydschi
- meta
- andy
- christina_hanc
- esad
- Consti
- Leo
- gaelic
- max
- MetaVolutioN
- pk
- wizard23
If we are slightly fewer/more people that's ok with them, but we can't be less than 8 or more than 20.