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ToxCon 2018

12.10.2018, 16:00 - 14.10.2018 23:59
Workshop Konferenz
everybody is welcome
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 04.03.2019

ToxCon 2018 flyer

In October the Tox developer community will be holding a conference in Vienna.

Tox is a peer to peer (serverless) instant messenger aimed at making security and privacy easy to obtain for regular users (https://tox.chat/about.html)

look at the schedule: https://tox.fahrplan.zoff.cc/

Join us as we talk about the progress we have made during the last 12 months with Tox and other security related topics.

There will be lots of talks and other cool things to see:


16:00 - Beginn
17:00 - Meet & greet - opening speech     -> The Tox Developers
17:45 - The Guardian Project              -> Hans-Christoph Steiner
19:00 - Welcome Dinner
20:15 - Tox, what happend                 -> The Tox Developers
        since ToxCon 2017 ?
21:00 - CrashCourseCrypto                 -> Mat


16:00 - Beginn
17:00 - Profiling with perf and micro     -> sudden6
        optimizations in C by example
17:30 - from Echobot to TRIfA, a journey  -> zoff
18:15 - Risk sharing for the              -> Uli
        Paranoid: SpreadPass
19:30 - Dinner
21:00 - tox-rs                            -> Roman Proskuryakov
21:30 - Sybil attacks and tracking in     -> zugz
        the Tox network
22:15 - Integrating libre audio and       -> ullbeking
        video codecs and container
        formats with Tox

16:00 - Beginn
17:00 - Blinkenwalls, Electronic Windows, -> strfry, zoff
        and other "magical" portals
18:00 - qTox, building the better Skype   -> sudden6
19:00 - Closing remarks                   -> The Tox Developers
19:30 - Abschluss Dinner