Language: | English |
SHA2017 (Still Hacking Anyway)
Most of this Information is preliminary, please check official SHA2017 channels for dependable Information
- The next iteration of Netherlands Camps
- When: From August 04th to August 08th 2017
- Where: Scoutinglandgoed in Zeewolde, 55km east of Amsterdam
- Wiki:
- For Organisation ping someone of the attendees to get added to the Matrix/ Chatchannel
Will there be a LeiwandVille ?
Yes. the question is just how much we manage to organize.
Scoutinglandgoed in Zeewolde, 55km east of Amsterdam
- Telefonzelling (All) - Phonebooth with Selfiebot, phone (Won't someone think of the DFÜ?!), field telephone and seidenstrasse
- Feldtelefone?
- Amalettomat?? (Zwax) - Feinste Amaletten aus dem Roboter
- Zeitraffer Cam??? - Time Lapse Camp Video
- @c3troc - Beim CCC Camp 2015 im Ziegeleipark Mildenberg wurde die dort zum Zweck des Touristentransports betriebene Bahn von den Camp-Besuchern dekoriert und verschönert. Diese Bahn haben wir als Modellbahn nachgebaut.
We'll of course provide transportation for big project things (if somehow reasonable...)
Project Ideas
- 24hrs Breakfast - As seen on previous camps. Need a few people to help out!
- altpwr - anlumo would like to build a lighting setup based on the DC power grid provided by altpwr.
Cost ?
{x€|30<x<40}: means Transport, Leiwandwille - Zelt,Infrastruktur , Startgeld für 24h Breakfast/Food and Drinks
- !NICHT! Verpflegung für alle Tage (Essen, Trinken, Massage... all inclusive)
Leider mussten wir aufgrund von wahnsinnigen Massen an Spam die Registrierung neuer Accounts abdrehen. Tut uns leid für die Umstände. Schreib einfach eine kurze Mail an um einen Wikiaccount zu erhalten oder bitte Menschen mit Account dich in diese Liste einzutragen.
Camp inhabitants | means of travel | arrival/departure | plans and projects? |
you? | |||
fbr | Buildup / Bus+Trailer (B+E) | TBD | TBD |
realraum | tbd | tbd | tbd |
anlumo | Quantum Teleportation | TBD | TBD |
sja | TBD | verm. 28.7. | TBD |
Martin | Buildup / Teardown (B) | TBD | TBD |
Columbia | Winnebago | TBD | Probably something with a train |
Pepi | Winnebago | TBD | Probably something with a train |
Hetti | dunno | TBD | will see TBA |
nini | planes and trains | TBD | I have a talk, other than that no further plans yet |
Public Transportation
There's a shuttle service from/to Nijkerk station, which is connected by train to Utrecht (connection to ICE network) and beyond (e.g. AMS).
Ride Sharing
Get to the Camp by sharing a car.
If you have a car and want to offer seats or if you need a ride. - Add yourself to the Ride Sharing page.
- - starting with Leiwandville 2.0 at HAR2009
- Leiwandville
- [OLD] CCCamp2015 at the Metalab Wiki
- [OLD] OHM2013 at the Metalab Wiki
- [OLD] CCCamp2011 at the Metalab Wiki
- [OLD] HAR2009 at the Metalab Wiki
- [OLD] CCCamp2007 at the Metalab Wiki