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CryptoParty:CryptoParty 79

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Language: English
CryptoParty:CryptoParty_79 hat keine Unterseiten.

Cryptopary 79 - Back to the Pre-Quantum Crpyography Future
12.04.2024, 19:00
User:SaltySolomon, dimir
Cryptoparty, workshop on all things crypto, lets verify our keys, WOT
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 22.03.2024

The first edition in a long time of the Cryptoparty, lets talk about information security, swap trust on our messengers, talk about all topics encryption and not. Currently no presentation planned, if you want to hold one (10 min max), just ask SaltySolomon or dimir.

This event is friendly to people new to the field of information security.