my many mixed interests & skills: Silikon+Resin, 3D Print, Leder, DIY, WOOD & Forestry, LED Strips & easy beginner programming, SPERRMÜLL-Upcycling, Hatching Eggs, Materialien aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie z. B. Engineered Mushroom Materials, Farming, Pappmachee, Marketing, TikTok etc
ongoing Metalab (Infrastructure) Projects:
- Lüftung Fotolabor
- Müffel Wand im Otterspace trockenlegen ✅, neu streichen, Regal bauen, Sitzbank anschrauben
- Tee-Schaukel fixen --> less bouncy
- Metalab Sticker mit Infos zum Hackerspace
- Metalab branded Socks
- Metalab branded Teetassen
- Screaming 3D Printed Cash Register with Personality
- Ubahn themed Vorraum U2/U5
feel free to join in
Wünsche :
- VR Gaming Setup
- Saubere Tische