10 easy steps to 3d-print models from a Mac on the Metalab Mendel 90:
2014-06-13 by MiKa, Metalab
Brief description how to use the "OS X Tool Chain" for printing 3D models on the Metalab Mendel 90 Dibond printer:
- Using the touch-screen based printer station provided by Metalab:
- Copy the content of this folder to a local Folder on your Mac.
- Start "Slic3r.app"
- in Slic3r use "File" -> "Load Config" to open the config file "Slic3r1.0.1-mendel90-v1.1.2.ini"
- In the "Plater" tab click on "Add..." to add a 3D model to the printing area.
Make sure you don't exceed a 100mm*100mm area around the center of the printing area e.g. 50mm to each direction. - Click on the "Export G-code..." button and save the output to the SMB share on smb:// (aka "deaddrop")
- Power on the Mendel 90 and the Linux mini-PC (Connected to the HDMI-VGA converter of the touch screen)
- Temporary workaround, hopefully fixed soon:
As soon as the "pronterface" application appears you have to disconnect the USB from the touch-screen and reconnect so that the Linux can detect and initialize the touch screen as an input device. - In the "pronterface" klick on the "Connect" button and observe the output in the right part of the window.
After a while, be patient, you should see several lines including the term "Printer is now online" - Click on the "Load File" button, select "deaddrop", click open, select "3d-printer", click open and select your file, click open.
The file will be imported and a summary including the estimated printing time will be displayed in the right part of the window. - Click the "Print" button and watch the magic happen.
The print head should move to the upper end and then slowly go down to the starting point near the front/left corner.
After the heat-bed and extruder header have reached the target temperature and another 60 seconds waiting time the print will begin.
Happy printing, the Metalab 3d-printing taskforce!