OpenSCAD Workshop (outdated 2017)

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Ein OpenSCAD Design

  • Wann: ???? ab 17:00 im Hauptraum
  • Inhalt: 3D Design mit OpenSCAD
  • Vortragender: overflo

Es gibt für alle Plattformen Packages, einfach installieren vorher.
Der Workshop richtet sich an ALLE die Bock haben auf 3D-Konstruktion ohne geklicke und KEINE Vorkenntnisse haben mit der Software. (EINSTEIGERKRAM!!)
OpenSCAD ist eine Art "Programmiersprache" für 3D-Design und für technische/präzise Ausführungen sehr gut geeignet, man kann damit PARAMETRISCHE Designs machen.


Wozu kann man OpenSCAD brauchen

Z.Bsp. zum Konstruieren von 3D Objekten fùr den 3D Drucker oder zum Überprüfen und Visualisieren von lasergecutteten Designs (passen meine Teile so auch zusammen, etc).

About OpenSCAD (von der OpenSCAD Website)

OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects.

Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects. Thus it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts but pretty sure is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies.

OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script file (see examples below). This gives you (the designer) full control over the modelling process and enables you to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters.

OpenSCAD provides two main modelling techniques: First there is constructive solid geometry (aka CSG) and second there is extrusion of 2D outlines. As data exchange format format for this 2D outlines Autocad DXF files are used. In addition to 2D paths for extrusion it is also possible to read design parametes from DXF files. Besides DXF files OpenSCAD can read and create 3D models in the STL and OFF file formats.


OpenSCAD Cheatsheet