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Version vom 12. Dezember 2023, 10:24 Uhr von SaltySolomon (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Status: active
Thema: All things Analog (and maybe digital) photography in the lab
Gestartet: 01.08.2022
Organisator: SaltySolomon
Treffen: Every second saturday of the month
Zielgruppe: Everybody who is interested in (analog) photography and such
Inhalt: About once a month I try to get to meet up, talk about photography and develop film in the photolab
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2023-12-12

No windows, tiles all around, a large sink, lots of storage space and a door that can be locked from the inside make the small room situated to the right of the entrance to WhateverLab the perfect place for our Fotolab/Chemielab.

If you are interested in developing your own film, in exchanging ideas with fellow photo nerds or just trying out stuff, join us at the matrix channel to find out more: On our Telegramchannel or join us at our regular meetups at every 2nd Saturday of the month.

Most of us are amateurs btw., so there's no reason to be shy, even - or especially - if you are a bloody beginner! :)

Aktuelle Geplante Events:

Nächster Fotowalk: Slidefilm Dev, shoot Slidefilm at Congress or Christmas and lets develop it together!

Photography shops in Vienna


Helpful Resouces