2007-11-24 DeepSec

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
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markus (Tuesday until noon) (+4368110345021) (markus@silverorbit.de)

fin (Thursday until 1700) (Wednesday until noon, maybe Tuesday until noon) (+436506262003) (fin@xbhd.org)

overflo (full four days) (Tuesday until noon) (+436506837356) (flo@tekstix.com)

René/Lynx (both days of DeepSec, also present at trainings) (+436765626390) (lynx@luchs.at)

mika (+436644145905) (m.kafka@aon.at)

lukas (+4369912770651) (lf@nessus.at)

neodym (neodym@gmail.com)

angelo (+4369910145395) al@rechenknecht.net

consti Consti@consti.de

herbert (+43 676 4790063) herbert@waloschek.at

sven (+491793966141) guckes@guckes.net

stefano (+393356634370) zanero@elet.polimi.it

(tim?) (julia?) (verena?)

Enki: Ask for access for Monday in order to prepare training sessions

Markus: Kaufen:

  • Gaffer Tape
  • Twisted Pair Kabel (40 cables à 7m)
  • 6 Hub (4 switches from René, will be 1 24-port and 3 8-port)
  • MAC-mini-DVI to VGA 1x
  • Netzadapter 220V (Worldadapter 10x)
  • Kaltgerätestecker (inlet connector for non-heating apparatus)
  • Aspirin, Ibuprofen
  • Erste Hilfe Kasten (first aid kit)
  • Kabelbinder (cable retainer)

Enki: Drucker und Scanner rübertragen (carry printer and scanner to the conference hotel)

???: Drei Schilder (three signs to signal end of talk): 5 Minuten, 10 Minuten, STOP Schilder (signs): Registration Desk / Speaker Desk

Enki: Waiver schreiben (write waiver for conference guests/speakers) Anwesenheitsliste (attendance list): an beiden tagen (Tag 2 übertreiben) (for both days) Feedback Form

René: City Spymaps

Benko, Markus, ...: Bardienst - Liste machen (list for bar service) Email für Party auf Metalab Liste!! (send email wit party announcement to Metalab list)

???: Zeitplan Registrierungsdesk machen (schedule for registration) Zeitplan Ankündigung/Saalbetreuung - Session Chair machen (schedule for session chairs)

Enki: Hotel organisieren Flipchart für Registration Desk (ask hotel for additional flip chart for the registration desk)

Enki: Aussendungen (announcements/information about local events) Informationen: Weihnachtsmarkt Spittelberg

???: Optional: Audio/Video