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Thursday ?? - Sunday ?? ???? 2021 There are only a few rooms, we try to book them for people with special needs.
This is a camping event, you'll need a sleeping bag, mat, etc. Bring your own tent or borrow one for free from VSL.
To do our collaborative shopping (food, charcoal, toilet paper, and the like) and to compensate electric utility we collect a low daily fee per particant per day. You won't need much, but please bring some cash since there is no ATM on site.
It's up to you how to get there, if you are using public transport usually ppl with cars are willing to pick you up at the railway station if you call.
Sadly, the space available is limited, therefore we urge you to enter yourself in the table below, if you're planning to attend. In case you're coming from a different hackspace or elsewhere, you're very welcome to attend — please make sure one of your group registers an account by sending a mail to and enters all participants in the table so that we can plan accordingly. We're looking forward to meet you!
Count me in
name | vegetarian | vegan | thu | fri | sat | sun | comment |
You? | ? | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | your comments | ||
name | vegetarian | vegan | thu | fri | sat | sun | comment |
Chat Group
There is a Telegram group for organisatorical things to make communication easier. Post there when you need something from a store, need a lift from the train station, want to announce a self-organized session, etc
Car Sharing
has ? passenger seats in their ????. Please list yourself here if you want to ride along:
Abrechnung / Bookkeeping
Needed *pretty please*: one or better two trusty persons who are behind the proportioned collection for our money pool to cover a) common food groceries and b) the usual remuneration of VSL (electricity, water, garbage,..). Also over sighting which spendings are unquestioned commons (like noodles, spice, toilet-paper,..) and separation of other shopping expenses of single persons or small groups (e.g. tobacco, booze, expensive food and supplies,..)
Mengenangaben erstmal alle geschätzt (and stolen from Stadtflucht11, hence why it's still struckthru. Also, feel free to keep or delete the Risotto), falls wer Erfahrungswerte von den letzten Jahren hat, bitte updaten!
From Metalab:
- 3 Kisten Club Mate
- 3 Kisten Flora Power
- Flipchart + Papier
From local supermarket:
- Basics
- Gafferband!
- Küchenrolle
- 2 Pkg. Kaffee (trinkbar/nicht der allerbilligste)
- 2l Hafermilch
- 4l Sojamilch (Verbrauch ist hoch und wird nicht so schnell schlecht)
- 2l Milch
- 1l Pflanzenöl
- Gewürze
- Salz
- Pfeffer
- geriebener Pfeffer oder Pfeffermühle
- Paprikapulver
- Rosmarin
- Kreuzkümmel
- Oregano
- Thymian
- Knoblauchknollen (echt, kein Pulver!)
- Zitronen
- 2 Pkg frisches Basilikum
- 5 Pkg frische Petersilie
- Chiliflocken
- For first evening (excl. dinner) + first breakfast
- 2kg Hausbrot
- 20 Semmeln
- Butter
- Vegane Margarine
- 4 Gurken
- 2 kg Tomaten
- 8 Pkg. Hummus
- 8 Pkg. vegetarische Aufstriche (Hofer=Preistipp)
- Käse und Wurst
- Nutella
- Div. Marmeladen
- 10 Pkg. Knabbergebäck (Chips, Snips, Soletti,…)
- For dinner (risotto):
- 3 Packungen Risottoreis (bzw Rundkornreis)
- 4kg Zucchini
- Olivenöl
- helle Zwiebeln
- 1 Flasche Weißwein
- 4 Packungen frische Petersilie
- vegane Suppenwürfel oder Suppenpulver
- 3 Packungen Parmesan
- Schlagobers
- 1 Packung schmelzfähiger veganer Käseersatz oder veganer Parmesan
- Soja Cuisine
- Hefeflocken (als Zutat für Käseersatz)
- Getränke
- 6 x 1.5l Mineralwasser
- 6 x 1l Orangensaft
- 5 Kisten Bier
Abend: ??? - You?
- ?
Frühstück: Selfservice
Mittag: Du?
Abend: ??? - You?
- ?
Salat: ???
Mittag: ???
Abend: ???
Frühstück: Du? Mittag: Du? Abend: Du?
Frühstück: Du? Mittag: Du? Abend: Du?
- ?
Frühstück: selfservice Mittag: Abend: (Haha no, we leave on Sunday)
Frühstück: Du? Mittag: Du? Abend: Du!
Frühstück: Du? Mittag: Du? Abend: Du!