aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
The metalab needs some new lights.
ART-net is awesome.
Raspberry Pi 3 + Touchscreen
Distro based on the QLC+ image (raspbian jessie)
QLC+ X-server less build that renders directly in GL buffers for performance
H801 based clients (ESP8266)
Arduino based firmware that implements ART-net
H801 Ledcontroller features:
- 8 Mbit Storage (1 Mb)
- 5 channels each 45 watt max (~ 3.5 Ampere @ 12 V / channel)
How to flash
- Install Arduino 1.6.4
- Install ESP 8266 extensions
- Select Tools:
- GENERIC ESP8266 Module
- Flash Mode DIO
- Flash Size 1M (512K SPIFFS)
- Debug Port: Disabled
- Debug Level: none
- Reset Mode: ck
- Flash Frequency: 40 Mhz
- CPU Frequency: 80 Mhz
- Upload Speed 115200 or more
- Set JUMPER on board to boot into flash mode
- Power the board
Originally invented and built by overflo, the umbrellas were built by a lot of people at some nightshifts at metalab
LOTS OF SUPPORT BY uniq, anlumo, ripper, bogdan <your name here>