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Version vom 28. September 2024, 14:52 Uhr von Jackie (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Update the internet page to reflect the current state)
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Internet im Lab

Currently our internet uplink is done via FunkFeuer.
There are two WiFi links that terminate on the roof (see FunkFeuer-Node) that are both connected to each of the two routers - one responsible for IPv4 and one for IPv6.

One link is 802.11n, the other one is 802.11ac (or rather the proprietary counterpart AirMax AC) so limited to ~50 and ~150 Mbit/s depending on environment/interference.
It is planned (as of September 2024) to upgrade these links to 60GHz to give us up to 1Gbit/s bandwidth.

Mehr zum Netzwerk innerhalb vom Metalab