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Version vom 29. Juni 2024, 16:36 Uhr von BadPractice (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Take veal, kid, or hen, and boil them in fair water, or else in fresh broth, and smite them in pieces, and pick them clean. And then draw same broth through a…“)
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Take veal, kid, or hen, and boil them in fair water, or else in fresh broth, and smite them in pieces, and pick them clean. And then draw same broth through a strainer, and cast three-to parsley, sage hyssop, mace, cloves and let it boil til the flesh be enough. Then set it from the fire and thicken it up with raw yolks of egg, and cast thereto powdered ginger, verjuice, saffron, and salt.