#!/usr/bin/python import re import glob import string import os import pg from time import strftime import sys import getopt import shutil def check_duplicate(accountid,conn,cli): qry = "select count(*) as cnt from \"Gnp\" where account_id = '%s' and dialed_no = '%s'" % (accountid,cli) for gnp_row in conn.query(qry).dictresult(): if gnp_row['cnt'] >=1: return 'T' print 'T' else: return 'F' print 'F' def add_cli(accountid,cli,owner,conn,actiondate,endcli,currentfile): if endcli==None: if actiondate==strftime("%Y%m%d") or actiondate==None: qry = "INSERT INTO \"Gnp\" (account_id,dialed_no,owner,comments) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s');" % (accountid,cli,owner,strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")) print qry conn.query(qry) else: print "actiondate missmatch" def del_cli(accountid,cli,owner,conn,actiondate,endcli,currentfile): if endcli==None: if actiondate==strftime("%Y%m%d") or actiondate==None: qry = "delete from \"Gnp\" where account_id like '%s' and dialed_no like '%s';" % (accountid,cli) print qry conn.query(qry) message=strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") + ': Deleting ' + cli def write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile): logfile=basedir + '/Reports/' + currentfile + '.apa' print logfile log=open(logfile,'a') pos_start=log.tell() #Activity Start 1 End 1 Type Char log.write(activity) pos=log.tell() #cli Start 2 End 21 Type Num pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+21-len(cli) while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() log.write(cli) #cli-type Start 22 End 22 Type Num pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+22-1 while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() log.write('1') #Account Number Start 23 End 37 Type Char log.write(vendor) pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+37-len(vendor) while pos < pos_new: log.write(' ') pos=log.tell() #Action Date Start 38 End 45 Type Num pos=log.tell() print strftime("%Y%m%d") print len(strftime("%Y%m%d")) pos_new=pos_start+45-len(strftime("%Y%m%d")) while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() log.write(strftime("%Y%m%d")) #Time Start 46 End 51 Type Num pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+51-len(strftime("%H%M%S")) while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() log.write(strftime("%H%M%S")) #Target PSTN Start 52 End 71 Type Num pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+71 while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() #PAL Flag Start 72 End 74 Type Char pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+74 while pos < pos_new: log.write(' ') pos=log.tell() #PAL PSTN Start 75 End 94 Type Num pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+94 while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() #Customer Tracking Code Start 95 End 109 Type Char pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+109-len(track) while pos < pos_new: log.write(' ') pos=log.tell() log.write(track) #Provision Code Start 110 End 112 Type Num pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+112-len(provision_code) while pos < pos_new: log.write('0') pos=log.tell() log.write(provision_code) #Provision Status Start 113 End 362 Type Char log.write(provision_status) pos=log.tell() pos_new=pos_start+362-len(provision_status) while pos < pos_new: log.write(' ') pos=log.tell() log.write('\n') log.close() def verify_action(duplicate,action,accountid,cli,actiondate,endcli,vendor,track,currentfile): if endcli==None: if actiondate==strftime("%Y%m%d") or actiondate==None: qry = "select comments as result from \"Gnp\" where account_id = '%s' and dialed_no = '%s'" % (accountid,cli) qry2 = "select count(*) as cnt from \"Gnp\" where account_id = '%s' and dialed_no = '%s'" % (accountid,cli) if duplicate=="T": comments=conn.query(qry).dictresult()[0]['result'] elif duplicate=="0": if conn.query(qry2).dictresult()[0]['cnt'] > 0: comments=conn.query(qry).dictresult()[0]['result'] print comments cnt=conn.query(qry2).dictresult()[0]['cnt'] if action=="add": if duplicate=="T": provision_status="CLI is already provisioned, date of provisioning was " + comments + ", tracking number was " + track + ", filename " + currentfile + ".cps" provision_code="2" print provision_status activity='A' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) else: provision_status="CLI successfully added on " + comments + ", tracking number was " + track + ", filename " + currentfile + ".cps" provision_code="1" print provision_status activity='A' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) if action=="del": if duplicate=="F": provision_status="CLI can't be deleted because it is not provisioned" + ", tracking number was " + track + ", filename " + currentfile + ".cps" provision_code="2" print provision_status activity='D' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) else: provision_status="CLI successfully deleted" + ", tracking number was " + track + ", filename " + currentfile + ".cps" provision_code="1" print provision_status activity='D' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) else: if action=="del": provision_status="Action Date not supported, please submit on appropriate Date" provision_code="1" activity='D' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) else: provision_status="Action Date not supported, please submit on appropriate Date" provision_code="1" activity='A' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) else: if action=="del": provision_status="CLI Range not supported, please submit single CLIs" provision_code="1" activity='D' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) else: provision_status="CLI Range not supported, please submit single CLIs" provision_code="1" activity='A' write_apa_file(activity,cli,vendor,track,provision_code,provision_status,currentfile) def query_vendor(vendor,conn): qry = "select a.id as accountid, g.id as groupid, c.id as customerid, c.customer_name as customername FROM \"Customer\" c, \"Account\" a, \"Group\" g WHERE a.group_id = g.id and g.customer_id = c.id and c.customer_number || a.account_number = '%s';" % (vendor) credentials=conn.query(qry).dictresult() return credentials[0]['accountid'], credentials[0]['customername'] def parseline(line,conn,currentfile): endcli=None actiondate=None linefeed=re.compile("\n") line=linefeed.sub("",line) fields=line.split(",") for field in fields: if field[0:3]=="001": vendor=field[4:-1] details=query_vendor(vendor,conn) accountid=details[0] owner=details[1] if field[0:3]=="009": cli=field[4:-1] print "cli=" + cli if field[0:3]=="024": track=field[4:-1] print "trackingno=" + track if field[0:3]=="007": if field[4:-1]=="001": action="add" print "action=" + action elif field[4:-1]=="008": action="del" print "action=" + action if field[0:3]=="008": actiondate=field[4:-1] print "actiondate=" + actiondate if field[0:3]=="010": endcli=field[4:-1] print "endcli=" + endcli print accountid if check_duplicate(accountid,conn,cli) == 'T': if action=="del": del_cli(accountid,cli,owner,conn,actiondate,endcli,currentfile) duplicate='0' verify_action(duplicate,action,accountid,cli,actiondate,endcli,vendor,track,currentfile) elif action=="add": duplicate='T' verify_action(duplicate,action,accountid,cli,actiondate,endcli,vendor,track,currentfile) else: print "Somethings fishy with the file, the Request Type is wrong" else: if action=="add": add_cli(accountid,cli,owner,conn,actiondate,endcli,currentfile) duplicate='0' verify_action(duplicate,action,accountid,cli,actiondate,endcli,vendor,track,currentfile) elif action=="del": duplicate='F' verify_action(duplicate,action,accountid,cli,actiondate,endcli,vendor,track,currentfile) else: print "Somethings fishy with the file, the Request Type is wrong" conn = pg.connect("test_db","",5432,None,None,"postgresuser","123password") args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'customer') customer=args[1][0] basedir = "/root/python_tut/cps/" + customer[0:-3] + "/" + customer[12:] workdir = basedir + "/loaded" tempdir = basedir + "/loading" for file in glob.glob(tempdir + '/CLIs*.cps'): (base, extension) = os.path.splitext(file) filenew=workdir+file[len(tempdir):] print filenew os.rename(file, filenew) print workdir cdr_files = glob.glob(workdir + '/CLIs*.cps') for nameFile in cdr_files: file=open(nameFile, 'r') print 'import file: ' + nameFile pathlength=len(workdir) currentfile=nameFile[len(workdir):-4] nr = 0 exist = 'F' for line in file: #parseline(line,conn,currentfile) nr += 1