#usage "

Export data for KCam or any other CNC software

" "
" "- Bottom layer will be mirrored by Y AXIS
" "- It uses only G00, G01 and G02, even for drilling (G82 it's not backlash compensated in KCam)
" "- If you want holes with complicated shapes in board, use a polygon in dimension layer, with width of drill used to cut the board.
" "- If Drill is checked, all holes will be drilled.
" "- If Cut is checked, all holes (from pads, vias etc.) larger than cut_tool will be milled.
" "
- If you do not have a file called gcode.set next to this ulp, at first run, comment #include gcode.set and uncomment folowing definitions.
" "
" "
" "Things left to be implemented: *sort all elements for minimum travel time; *implement fill function
" "
" "Author: eSilviu
" "Work time: 3 nights
" //include... OR uncomment below (only at first run) #include "gcode.set" /* int mill_on =1; int fill_on =1; real mill_tool =0.5; real mill_down =0.2; real mill_up =0.2; real mill_speed =200; int drill_on =1; real drill_down =0.2; real drill_up =0.2; real drill_speed =200; int cut_on =1; real cut_depth =2.5; int cut_steps =2; real cut_gap =3; real cut_speed =100; real cut_tool =1; real cut_up =1; real tool_up =30; int layer =-1;*/ string Layers[] = {"Top","Bottom"}; int Selected_layer; if (layer==1) Selected_layer=0; if (layer==-1) Selected_layer=1; string Steps[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4" }; int Sel_Cut; Sel_Cut=cut_steps-1; int step_ulp = 1; string fileName; string OutlinesSignalName = "_OUTLINES_"; string final_cmd; if (board) board(B) {fileName = filesetext(B.name, ".gc");} else {dlgMessageBox("\n Start this ULP in a Board \n"); exit (0);} //parameters passed to ulp at second run if (argv[1]) {if (argv[2]) {mill_tool = strtod(argv[2]); if (argv[3]) {layer = strtol(argv[3]); if (argv[4]) {fileName = argv[4]; if(argv[5]) {step_ulp = 2; }}}}} //*************************** Functions body *************************** void write_real_param(string name, real value) { printf("real %s = %f;\n", name, value); } void write_int_param(string name, int value) { printf("int %s = %d;\n", name, value); } //error message if exist a signal named _OUTLINES_ void Fatal(string Message, string Details) { dlgMessageBox(usage + "
ERROR: " + Message + "

\n" + Details); exit(1); } //Z->up; stop; Z->0.00 (calibrate Z axis) Z->0.50, ready for start void DeviceChangeBit(void) { output(fileName, "at") {printf ("\nG00 Z%2.3f\n",tool_up); printf ("G00 X0.000 Y0.000\n"); printf ("M00\n"); printf ("G00 Z0.000\n"); printf ("M00\n"); printf ("G00 Z0.500\n"); printf ("\n(Bit changed, zero set.)\n"); }} //create file for gcode output, write first lines void DeviceInit(void) {output(fileName, "wt") {printf ("(%s)\n(%s)\n(%s)\n", fileName, Layers[Selected_layer], t2string(time())); if (layer==-1) printf ("(X/Y/Z home should be at upper left corner of the board, with the tip just touching board)\n"); else printf ("(X/Y/Z home should be at lower left corner of the board, with the tip just touching board)\n"); printf ("(Mm, Absolute mode, lift cutter above work, rapid to X/Y home, spindle on.)\n"); printf ("G21\n"); printf ("G90\n"); printf ("#1=-5;(posdown)\n"); printf ("#2=2;(posup)\n"); printf ("#3=50;(feeddown)\n"); printf ("#4=150;(feedup)\n"); //printf ("#5=300;(feedside)\n"); //printf ("#5=150;(reposition)\n"); }} //write the necessary stuff for machine STOP void DeviceEnd(void) { output(fileName, "at") {printf("(Finished.)\n"); printf("G00 Z%.3f\n",tool_up); printf("M05\n"); printf("G00 X0 Y0\n"); printf("M30\n"); }} void CutDrillHole(real h_x, real h_y, real h_d, real tool, real cut_depth) { real raza=(h_d-tool)/2; real cut_down=0; for (int i = 0; i tool) {printf("G00 X%.3f Y%.3f\n", h_x, (h_y+raza)*layer); printf("G01 Z-%.3f F%.1f\n",cut_down, cut_speed); printf("G02 X%.3f Y%.3f R%3f F%.1f\n", h_x+raza*layer, h_y*layer, raza, cut_speed); printf("G02 X%.3f Y%.3f R%3f F%.1f\n", h_x, (h_y-raza)*layer, raza, cut_speed); printf("G02 X%.3f Y%.3f R%3f F%.1f\n", h_x-raza*layer, h_y*layer, raza, cut_speed); printf("G02 X%.3f Y%.3f R%3f F%.1f\n", h_x, (h_y+raza)*layer, raza, cut_speed); printf("G00 Z%.3f\n\n", cut_up); }}} //add a hole to the output file void AddHole(int x, int y) { real x_int, y_int; x_int = u2mm(x); y_int = u2mm(y); printf("G00 X%.3f Y%.3f\n", x_int, y_int); //F#5\n printf("G01 Z#1 F#3\n"); printf("G01 Z#2 F#4\n\n"); } //cut the board, as the wires in DIMENSION layer says; gap is used to keep board in place until end void DeviceCut(void) { real a, b, c, d, gap1, gap2, cut_down, x_old=REAL_EPSILON, y_old=REAL_EPSILON; gap1=(50-cut_gap/2)/100; gap2=(50+cut_gap/2)/100; cut_down=0; output(fileName, "at") {printf("(Start cutting holes)\n"); board(B) {B.holes(H) CutDrillHole(u2mm(H.x), u2mm(H.y), u2mm(H.drill), cut_tool, cut_depth); B.signals(S) S.vias(V) CutDrillHole(u2mm(V.x),u2mm(V.y),u2mm(V.drill),cut_tool, cut_depth); B.elements(E) {E.package.contacts(C) if (C.pad) CutDrillHole(u2mm(C.pad.x),u2mm(C.pad.y),u2mm(C.pad.drill),cut_tool, cut_depth); E.package.holes(H) CutDrillHole(u2mm(H.x),u2mm(H.y),u2mm(H.drill),cut_tool, cut_depth); } printf("(Start cutting polygons)\n"); for (int i = 0; i=(pow(abs(u2mm(W.x2)-x_old),2)+pow(abs(u2mm(W.y2)-y_old),2))) {a=u2mm(W.x2); b=u2mm(W.y2); c=u2mm(W.x1); d=u2mm(W.y1);} else {a=u2mm(W.x1); b=u2mm(W.y1); c=u2mm(W.x2); d=u2mm(W.y2);}; printf("(x_old=%.3f; X=%.3f; y_old=%.3f; Y=%.3f)",x_old, a, y_old, b); if ((x_old==a)&&(y_old==b)) {printf("G01 Z-%.3f F%.1f\n",cut_down, cut_speed);} else {printf("G00 Z%.3f\n\n", cut_up); printf("G00 X%.3f Y%.3f\n", a, b*layer); printf("G01 Z-%.3f F%.1f\n",cut_down, cut_speed);}; if (abs(a-c)>=10 || abs(b-d)>=10) {printf("G01 X%.3f Y%.3f F%.1f\n", a+(c-a)*gap1, (b+(d-b)*gap1)*layer, cut_speed); printf("G00 Z%.3f\n", cut_up); printf("G00 X%.3f Y%.3f\n", a+(c-a)*gap2, (b+(d-b)*gap2)*layer); printf("G01 Z-%.3f F%.1f\n",cut_down, cut_speed);} printf("G01 X%.3f Y%.3f F%.1f\n", c, d*layer, cut_speed); x_old=c; y_old=d; }} printf("G00 Z%.3f\n\n", cut_up); }}}} //function that reads drill positions and call AddHole() function void DeviceDrill(void) { output(fileName, "at") {printf("(Start drilling)\n"); board(B) {printf("G00 Z%.3f\n", drill_up); B.holes(H) AddHole(H.x, H.y); B.signals(S) S.vias(V) AddHole(V.x, V.y); B.elements(E) {E.package.contacts(C) {if (C.pad)AddHole(C.pad.x, C.pad.y);} E.package.holes(H) AddHole(H.x, H.y); }}}} //function that create a single poligon on selected layer void GenerateOutlines(void) { board(B) { real f = 0.1, x1 = u2mm(B.area.x1) - f, y1 = u2mm(B.area.y1) - f, x2 = u2mm(B.area.x2) + f, y2 = u2mm(B.area.y2) + f; B.signals(S) { if (S.name == OutlinesSignalName) Fatal("There is already a signal named " + OutlinesSignalName + " in this board!", "Please make sure that there is no such signal in this board."); } step_ulp=2; string Cmd; int displ_; if (layer ==1) displ_=1; if (layer ==-1) displ_=16; sprintf(Cmd, "grid mm;\n" "window fit;\n" "change isolate 0;\n" "change rank 6;\n" "change pour solid;\n" "change orphans on;\n" "SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n" "layer %d;\n" "polygon %s %f (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f);\n" "ratsnest;\n" "run '%s' argv[1] '%f' '%d' '%s' '%d';", displ_, OutlinesSignalName, mill_tool, x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2, x1, y1, argv[0], mill_tool, layer, fileName, step_ulp); exit(Cmd); } } //function that write outlines in output file void DeviceDraw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int state_mill) { if (state_mill == 0) {printf("G00 Z%.3f\n\n",mill_up); printf("G00 X%.3f Y%.3f\n",u2mm(x1),layer*u2mm(y1)); printf("G01 Z-%f F%.1f\n",mill_down, cut_speed); printf("G01 X%.3f Y%.3f F%.1f\n",u2mm(x2), layer*u2mm(y2), cut_speed); } else printf("G01 X%.3f Y%.3f F%.1f\n", u2mm(x2), layer*u2mm(y2), cut_speed); } //function that generate coordinates for outlines (it will be executed right after second run of the ulp) void WriteOutlines(void) { output(fileName, "at") { board(B){ B.signals(S) { if (S.name == OutlinesSignalName) { S.polygons(P) { int x1 = INT_MAX, y1 = INT_MAX, x2 = INT_MIN, y2 = INT_MIN; int x0, y0, first = 1; int FrameWire; int State; P.wires(W) { x1 = min(x1, W.x1); x2 = max(x2, W.x1); y1 = min(y1, W.y1); y2 = max(y2, W.y1); } P.contours(W) { if (first) { x0 = W.x1; y0 = W.y1; FrameWire = (x1 == x0 || x2 == x0) && (y1 == y0 || y2 == y0); State = 0; first = 0; } else if (W.x2 == x0 && W.y2 == y0) { State = 2; first = 1; } else State = 1; if (!FrameWire) DeviceDraw(W.x1, W.y1, W.x2, W.y2, State); } sprintf(final_cmd, "delete (%f %f) (%f %f); window fit;\n", u2mm(x1), u2mm(y1), u2mm(x2), u2mm(y2)); } break; }}}}} void Fill(void) {real old_x=REAL_EPSILON, old_y=REAL_EPSILON, a, b, c, d; output(fileName, "at") { board(B){ B.signals(S) { if (S.name == OutlinesSignalName) { S.polygons(P) { int x1 = INT_MAX, y1 = INT_MAX, x2 = INT_MIN, y2 = INT_MIN; P.wires(W) { x1 = min(x1, W.x1); x2 = max(x2, W.x1); y1 = min(y1, W.y1); y2 = max(y2, W.y1); } printf("\nStart filling empty spaces\n"); P.fillings(W) { if ((pow(abs(W.x1-old_x),2)+pow(abs(W.y1-old_y),2))>=(pow(abs(W.x2-old_x),2)+pow(abs(W.y2-old_y),2))) {a=W.x2; b=W.y2; c=W.x1; d=W.y1;} else {a=W.x1; b=W.y1; c=W.x2; d=W.y2;} DeviceDraw(a, b, c, d, 0); old_x=c; old_y=d; } if (!mill_on) sprintf(final_cmd, "delete (%f %f) (%f %f); window fit;\n", u2mm(x1), u2mm(y1), u2mm(x2), u2mm(y2)); } }}}}} //---------------------------------GRAPHICAL INTERFACE, will appear only at first run of the ulp---------------------------------------------- if (step_ulp==1) { int Result = dlgDialog("Select Parameters") {dlgHBoxLayout {dlgLabel("Layer: "); dlgComboBox(Layers, Selected_layer) {if (Selected_layer==0) layer=1; if (Selected_layer==1) layer=-1;}; dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Mill") { dlgGridLayout {dlgCell(0, 0) dlgCheckBox("&Active", mill_on); dlgCell(0, 1) dlgCheckBox("Clear unused area", fill_on);} dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("&Tool"); dlgCell(0, 1) dlgRealEdit(mill_tool, 0.1, 50); dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("&Depth"); dlgCell(1, 1) dlgRealEdit(mill_down, 0, 50); dlgCell(2, 0) dlgLabel("&Z up"); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRealEdit(mill_up, 0, 50); dlgCell(3, 0) dlgLabel(" "); dlgCell(4, 0) dlgLabel("&Speed"); dlgCell(4, 1) dlgRealEdit(mill_speed, 0, 500); }} dlgVBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Drill") { dlgCheckBox("&Active", drill_on); dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("&Depth"); dlgCell(0, 1) dlgRealEdit(drill_down, 0, 50); dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("&Z up"); dlgCell(1, 1) dlgRealEdit(drill_up, 0, 50); dlgCell(2, 0) dlgLabel("&Speed"); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRealEdit(drill_speed, 0, 500); }} dlgGroup("Misc") { dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 1) dlgLabel("&Tool up"); dlgCell(0, 2) dlgRealEdit(tool_up, 0, 50); dlgCell(0, 3) dlgStretch(500); }}} dlgGroup("Cut") { dlgCheckBox("&Active", cut_on); dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("&Tool"); dlgCell(0, 1) dlgRealEdit(cut_tool, 0.1, 50); dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("&Depth"); dlgCell(1, 1) dlgRealEdit(cut_depth, 0, 50); dlgCell(2, 0) dlgLabel("&Steps"); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgComboBox(Steps, Sel_Cut) {cut_steps = Sel_Cut+1;}; dlgCell(3, 0) dlgLabel("&Gap [%]"); dlgCell(3, 1) dlgRealEdit(cut_gap, 0, 50); dlgCell(4, 0) dlgLabel("&Z up"); dlgCell(4, 1) dlgRealEdit(cut_up, 0, 50); dlgCell(5, 0) dlgLabel("&Speed"); dlgCell(5, 1) dlgRealEdit(cut_speed, 0, 500); }}} dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Output file:"); dlgStringEdit(fileName); dlgPushButton("Bro&wse") {string fn = dlgFileSave("Save Output file", fileName);if (fn) fileName = fn;} } dlgSpacing(10); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Note: All dimension are in milimeters. Speed is [mm/min]"); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(1); dlgPushButton("Cancel") { dlgReject(0); exit(1); } } } ; //save parameters in gcode.set file if (Result==1) { fileerror(); output(path_ulp[0] + "/gcode.set", "wt") {printf("//List of usual parameters:\n"); write_int_param("mill_on", mill_on); write_int_param("fill_on", fill_on); write_real_param("mill_tool", mill_tool); write_real_param("mill_down", mill_down); write_real_param("mill_up", mill_up); write_real_param("mill_speed", mill_speed); write_int_param("drill_on", drill_on); write_real_param("drill_down", drill_down); write_real_param("drill_up", drill_up); write_real_param("drill_speed", drill_speed); write_int_param("cut_on", cut_on); write_real_param("cut_depth", cut_depth); write_int_param("cut_steps", cut_steps); write_real_param("cut_tool", cut_tool); write_real_param("cut_up", cut_up); write_real_param("cut_gap", cut_gap); write_real_param("cut_speed", cut_speed); write_real_param("tool_up", tool_up); write_int_param("layer", layer); } if (fileerror()) {dlgMessageBox("Save param. error"); exit(1);}; } } //milling part require two run of the ulp if (mill_on==1 || fill_on==1) { if (step_ulp==1) {DeviceInit(); GenerateOutlines(); } if (step_ulp==2) { if (mill_on) {DeviceChangeBit(); WriteOutlines();} if (fill_on) {DeviceChangeBit(); Fill();} if (drill_on==1) { DeviceDrill();} //DeviceChangeBit(); if (cut_on==1) {DeviceChangeBit(); DeviceCut();} DeviceEnd(); dlgMessageBox(";Succes!"); exit(final_cmd); } } //if no mill is necessary, ulp will run only once if (mill_on==0) { DeviceInit(); if (drill_on==1) { DeviceDrill();} //DeviceChangeBit(); if (cut_on==1) {DeviceChangeBit(); DeviceCut();} DeviceEnd(); dlgMessageBox(";Succes!"); }