Open Coffee Club Vienna
(Weitergeleitet von Open Coffee Vienna)
The Open Coffee Club Vienna is a series of talks and meetings around Startups und Innovation in Europe, Austria, and Vienna.. We want to allow for Exchange between Founders, Investors, and anyone interested in Startups and Innovation.
These meetings are part of the OpenCoffee Club Network. Our meetings are held at the Metalab (Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Wien), and usually, but not always, accompanied by a main talk.

Next meeting:
- OpenCoffee Club Vienna, Fr, 15.6. 19:00, Metalab, Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Wien
Our last meetings were
- 2007-05-11 Startup Freitag #2 Edmund Humenberger: "How to burn through 2 Mio. Euro in 14 Months"; ...
- 2007-04-20 Metalab Innovationsforum #1 Stefan Wiltschnig: "Enabling Spaces"; ...