After seing Vik's presentation about how to build a RepRap we've started our own implementation of a RepRap.
we'll probably build the axis in RepStrap style and drive them with stepper motors we've ripped out of an old copy machine *harrrr* We've done some testing of using microchip MOSFET-drivers to drive dc and stepper motors (2.6Amp continuous current, 12A peak :) and are currently working on a single prototype axis so we can test which of the materials available we can use. --Wizard23 18:01, 22. Sep 2006 (CEST)
Materials in the Lab
- 2 tubes of CAPA/Polymorph sponsored by Vik :)
- 5m of M4, M5 and M6 studding
- M4, M5, M6 nuns and washers