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Language: English
Bibliothek/Bücher-Scanner hat keine Unterseiten.

Gestartet: 2019-10-03
Involvierte: I wrote this: zentibel Lazy Cunt: eest9
Status: in progress
Beschreibung: It's a little scanner which does scan books to check them in/out.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2020-01-22


It's a little scanner which does scan books from the library to check them out when you borrow them and check them in when you give them back. The ultimate system to know which books are available at the metalab libary.


In the library there will be a scanner, to borrow books, you scan a barcode containing your email adress and then the barcode in the book. To bring back books just scan the books barcode.


  • barcode scanner sponsored by m68k
  • computer: Raspberry Pi 2B sponsored by naxx
  • display: 7 Inch Touchscreen
  • libary software: Janky ass PHP mess written by zentibel
  • scanner/computer software: to be coded (in python probably)

How to use?


    • Click the "borrow" button
    • Scan a barcode containing your email adress (NEEDS TO BE PRINTED!)
    • Scan the barcode which is in the book
    • You should see info on the screen saying it worked.
      • If not, contact zentibel and tell him it's broken.
        • You can still take the book
    • Enjoy reading!

Returning books

    • Click Return
    • Scan books barcode
    • You should see info on the screen saying it worked
      • If not, contact zentibel and tell him it's broken
    • Done!


to be made after launch


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