Prusa i3 Mk2.5S
3D-Scanner - CNC-Fräse - Laser - Reflow Oven - 3DPrinter (Prusa Mk3S, Prusa Mini) - Vinylplotter - Schweißinverter -Tischbohrmaschine - Drehbank - Ultraschallreiniger - Nähmaschinen
New printer in the house: Prusa i3 Mk2.5 with MMU2
The Prusa was owned by BadPractice and now belongs to Metalab since the MMU2 was installed (see 2018-04-11_Jour_Fixe). It is available for everyone to use.
If you have no experience with 3D printing please ask for help and/or read instructions online.
- Official YouTube tutorial by the manufacturer
- Official manual by the manufacturer
- Flash new Firmware [1]
- Spare Parts: UK Shop!]

Using it
Do I need to visit a workshop to use it
No. If you are confident that you can operate the device you are allowed to use it.
Otherwise please ask for help and/or read instructions online.
Material costs
Printing at Metalab is free in general, however it would be appreciated to leave a donation if you print something that needs a lot of material.
What can i do to help
- general care for the printer (e.g. cleaning, lubrication of axes and leadscrews)
Set up Octoprint for the PrinterUpgrade it to Mk2S (ask ripper for upgrade kit)
Octoprint upgrade
login at octoprint (Find username/pwd on the printer)
proudly presented by: user:ripper, badpractice, user:m68k
Multi color upgrade
At 2018-04-11_Jour_Fixe the decision was made to install the multi material upgrade which costs 329€.
Donations for participating are welcome, just add yourself to the list below and make the payment in the safe in main room.
Name | Amount | payed? |
Alex | 20 € | ✔ |
Herbert | 20 € | ✔ |
ripper | 10 € | ✔ |
anlumo | 30 € | ✔ |
Raphael | 10 € | ✔ |
total | 90€ | 90€ |