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NEO Smart Economy Meetup

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Version vom 21. Januar 2018, 00:45 Uhr von Metachris (Diskussion | Beiträge) (links to slides und references)
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NEO Smart Economy Meetup
20.01.2018, 17:00
everbody come!
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21.01.2018

NEO Smart Economy Meetup

This is a group for people interested in the NEO smart economy (formerly Antshares). The focus are the technical and developer aspects of NEO!

Last Meetup: Sat, 20.1.2018

Join the first NEO Smart Economy meet-up on Sat, 20.1.2018, 18:00 at Metalab Vienna.

The first Meetup will include several people that have worked with the NEO blockchain, smart contracts, dApps and the City of Zion community.

Talks / Speakers (tbd):

  • Nikolaj-K (City of Zion)
  • Chris Hager (Red Pulse, City of Zion)
  • you?

In collaboration with

About NEO

  • The vision of NEO is a multi-faceted smart economy, built with blockchain technologies
  • 2 system assets: NEO und GAS
  • Smart contracts and dApps
  • Support for custom tokens / ICOs (like ERC-20 on Ethereum)
  • Global open-source development community: City of Zion
  • 2 currently ongoing dApp competitions: City of Zion, Microsoft
  • How to build an ICO on NEO with the NEX ICO smart contract template

About the Meetup