Time and Date
10.01.2018 at 18:00 in der Metalab Bibliothek
Problem / Working task
The time has advanced and meanwhile you prefer having your videos on you homeserver instead of handling around with DVDs or BlueRays? For this reason your Videos need to be ripped on a hard disc or home server.
- What criteria do I have to keep in mind in order to have a reasonable quality at efficient size of the Video. - Many DVDs of former times have and 4:3 scaling of the picture and fragmets of Cathode Rade Tube (CRT) television.
- Technical basics of Videos like framerates codecs and containers - Which data/tracks can you find in containers -
Use like this:
{{Veranstaltung |name=Video Ripping Vortrag und Workshop |image=No-Logo.png |involved=[[User:Muppetsh]] |when=12.04.2015, 21:00 |where=[[Info_Folder|Metalab]]|[[Hauptraum]]|[[Küche]]|[[Bibliothek]]|[[Lounge]]|[[WhateverLab]]|[[Heavy Machinery]]|[[Fotolab]]/[[Chemielab]]|[[Scannerraum]] |costs=5€ |category=Workshop|Vortrag|Metaday|Usergroup|Party|Konferenz|Festival |status=active|suspended|completed|canceled|on hold|planning |wtf=so much stuff is happening! it will be a great party! everbody come! |hidden=false|true }}
All parameters are optional. If no 'name' is given, the title of the wikipage is used.