Visit from Tirana Hackspace
Visit from Tirana Hackspace
- When/Where: Mon, 2017-11-20, 19:30 - 21:00 at the Main Room in the Metalab, Vienna 1., Rathausstr. 6.

- What: Kristi Progri @kristiprogri, chairwomen of Open Labs Hackerspace happens
to be in Vienna in November and is willing to introduce their hackspace in Tirana to the Metalab community.
Open Labs Albania is a non governmental, not for profit organization, dedicated to promote openness, freedom, transparency and decentralization by amplifying its voice as a community altogether.
Open Labs is a community of people from all ages, genders, ethnics and races, who are advocates of FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software), the Open Web and Free Speech, who dedicate their time to free knowledge for everyone. --Manifesto
- Contact:
, pk