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aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Version vom 18. Juli 2017, 06:19 Uhr von Ripper (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Weil gestern das Gespräch drauf gekommen ist...)
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Metalab is open for everyone whether they are a member or not: you are welcome to visit for attenting events or using the infrastructure.

Users on a regular base and ideologic supporters of Metalab are encouraged to become a Member.

Metalab is mostly financed with membership fees so without members there would be no Metalab! Currently the membership fee is set to 25€ per month by the general assembly. If you want to become a member even thou you are in financial distress please contact a member of the board so we can find a solution together.

How to

  • In the space: Usually there are some membership forms at the Metalab at the whiteboard on the left wall of the main room. Fill it in and...
    • hand it over to a present board member (just ask around) or...
    • place it in the safe: Right beside the whiteboard there is a safe. The bottom part has a slot for that.
  • You can also download the membership form print and complete it at home and take it with you the next time you visit Metalab.

Afterwards you should also

  1. log in to the wiki,
  2. create a account on the Metalab Jabber server
  3. say "Hi!" to the people present at Metalab and contribute to the daily life at the space.

Optionally you could

  1. sign up for some of the mailing lists (you are automatically subscribed to the "intern" list after becoming a member)
  2. add yourself to the fields of interest - even thou the list a bit outdated

Welcome to the Metalab!