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Version vom 11. Januar 2015, 22:16 Uhr von Leyrer (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Leyrer verschob die Seite Chaos Communication Camp 2015 nach CCCamp2015: Keep with Wiki Nomenclature)
Language: English

Chaos Computer Camp 2015

  • The next iteration of the Chaos Compputer Camp
  • When: From August 13 to August 17th 2015
  • Where: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlin (google maps)


Project Ideas


LeiwandVille im CCCamp2011 Wiki, LeiwandVille im OHM2013 Wiki


  • means Transport, Leiwandwille - Zelt,Infrastruktur , Startgeld für 24h Breakfast
  • !NICHT! Verpflegung für alle Tage (Essen, Trinken, Massage... all inclusive)


Camp inhabitants - means of travel - arrival/departure - plans and projects?

Ride Sharing

Get to the Camp by sharing a car.

If you have a car and want to offer seats or if you need a ride. - Add yourself to the Ride Sharing page.
