- control the Yamaha AV system and projector using a web page.
- where?
Current state:
the current setup just allows the use of the screeninvader at you can select between the Screeninvader, the PS3 and the Wii.
Known issues:
- change to the invader can fail sometimes (change of the projector input source), please try again after a few seconds.
- video quality on Wii and PS3 is a little bit sub-par (needs a new cable between the Yamaha and the projector).
- support all the other stuff in the lounge (Kouch, Wii, Playstation, Metacade et al.). those will be added when the necessary cabling is available.
- Documentation
- Githubify
- Cabling diagram
Tell me more, how is it setup right now(tm)?
- Screeninvader: Video: VGA -> Projector, Audio: Klinke -> Yamaha
- PS3: Audio, Video: AV -> Yamaha
- Wii: Audio, Video: AV -> Yamaha
- Slackomatic: no Audio, Video; connected via USB/RS232 to the projector as the remote control; sends XML to the yamaha via network (wired)
- Yamaha: video output connected to the projector via AV, audio output to our surround speakers