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OHM2013/Ride Sharing

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Version vom 20. Juli 2013, 06:45 Uhr von Scenor (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Falsche Version bearbeitet.)
Language: English

Get your Camp ride

  • Do you have spare seats in your Car? Just put them down on the list for your trip TO as well as FROM the Camp.
  • Do you look for a seat? Then:
    • Look on the lists for a ride that suits you and still offers a seat.
    • Ask the driver if you can join in.
    • Add your name to the lists.
    • Keep in mind that there are separate lists for the trip TO as well as FROM the Camp.

All drivers and passengers are responsible for cost sharing and the like themselves. It's probaby a good idea to share fuel costs and provide the driver with sufficient amounts of caffeine but you have to figure that out yourselves.

Rides TO the Camp

Who Date leaving Vienna Seats offered Seats taken by Comment
datacop 27.7. 3 Eisbaer(2.driver),powertomato Orga Unit
AndiS 27.7. 1 fbr (2. Fahrer, Führerschein-E) Orga Unit
? ? ? ? ?

Rides FROM the Camp

Who Date leaving the Camp Seats offered Seats taken by Comment
datacop 5.8. 3 Eisbaer(2.driver),powertomato,Redplanet (has driving licence) Orga Unit
AndiS 5.8. 1 fbr (2. Fahrer, Führerschein-E) Orga Unit
? ? ? ? ?

Who still needs a ride

You can add your name here if you wish to make yourself visible and declare that you still need a seat. But unless you havn't talked to a driver and put your name on the lists above, you won't get to the Camp!

Who Ride TO the Camp Ride FROM the Camp Comment
stefan ~30.7. no /* no comment */
redplanet yes no hat B-Führerschein
Name ? ? /* no comment */