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Version vom 12. Mai 2013, 14:12 Uhr von AndiS (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Gardening, Categories)
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Orga for Leiwandville 3.0 at the Chaos Communication Camp 2011

Orga Team

Orga Mailing List

camp-orga@lists.metalab.at - for all orga topics.

Orga (et.al.) Meeting

2. meeting: Tue 7. June 2011, 20:00

1. Treffen: Mittwoch 25. Mai 2011, 20:00h

All interested parties are invited to throw-in their ideas. We'll consider ways and means regarding

  • transportation
  • infrastructure (village, tents, food, equipment)
  • projects, projects, projects
  • blingbling (art & beauty & light)
  • financing
  • 42 and everything

Construction Unit

Folks who like to help with the buildup of our village.

Who Date Arriving Transport Device Comment
markus ? ?
AndiS ? Mercedes Vito (filled with stuff or 8 people resp.) and 2t Trailer (the Phonebooth does fit in there!)
amir ? ?
Marius 8.8.2011 Car
datacop ? ?
Zem 6.8.2011 MAN 19-272 Truck/Mobile Home 6 Places left
socialhack ? ?
Eisbaer 6.8. ?
Herbert 8.8.2011 VW Sharan maybe
superhet ? ?
Zwax 8.8.2011 Train
mazzo 06.08.2011 with Zem... can bring an air conditioner for the main tent if needed (and enough space)
touri 08.08.2011 Train
AndiWein 08.08.2011 Train

Destruction Unit

Diese Liste ist für alle die beim Abbau dabei sein wollen.

Who Date Departing Transport Device Comment
markus ? ?
AndiS ? ?
datacop ? ?
socialhack ? ?
Zem 17.8.2011 The MAN Mobilehome again also 6 places left
Herbert ? ?
Eisbaer ? ?
mazzo with Zem


What. How. Finance......
zem will drive with his truck and we can put stuff in there <- CHECK THIS

I have some cargo space left (about 3x2.5x2.5 m³) so I can carry a few sofas and big. I can also pull a truck trailer we can organize one this will be the best solution. Zem 08:05, 24. Aug. 2010 (CEST)

AndiS Will drive a Van (Mercedes Vito) that can be used for people (max. 8!) or stuff and additionally a medium sized trailer (2t, the one from CCCamp2007).


  • See META-Dome
  • WEL-Mobile: A 3x6m pavillion tent (like at the Camp 2007) should be sufficient. Wooden floor is a plus but not a must.


  • See META-Dome
  • Food - Drinks - Bar ???
  • 24/7 Breakfast ???
  • Big 9kW gas burner in Zem's shower