TODO Frühling 2011
aus gesprächen mit jay, bina, nex & fin
- gemeinsam raumplan erarbeiten
+idea: there is a lot of nice gear in the media kamerl! it has been contributed. this means something - there is a desire to have a room for this stuff, working.
+observation: unused, dusty gear is sad. +observation: working gear for strangers and newbies is great!
+plan: build the media kamerl into a one-button music "setup" +plan: the setup means: one-button to turn on the room, everything works. +plan: centralized mixer for all devices. +idea: master patch-bay on wall? +idea: for a good setup, lots of good cables are required. +todo: wireframe proposition +todo: shopping list for 20 audio cables, midi, power +todo: inventory (surprise, the devices ID's) +todo: buy parts +todo: cable party! +todo: plugin, turn on, play
- regale zwischen den doppeltüren montieren -> storage raus aus dem medienkammerl
- türen schalldicht machen
- die spalte am boden irgendwie schließen …
- kabelstorage (evtl koordinieren mit regalen)
+jay: cable hanging points
- sinnvollen boden?
- dokumentation- das jahr, in dem wir den uploadbutton fanden (:
+jay: after one-button setup is working, one-button upload to live website! media kamerl becomes a broadcast studio!