
Consists of:
- Raspberry Pi - Arduino - 16x2 LCD - OneWire (iButton suport) - 3 Leds for status indication - 1 Button - a 6-Port Network Switch
Arduino code
Hardware documentation

There is a hall effect sensor placed right over the valve of the airassist.
This valve is opened to enable a static airflow as soon as a laserjob starts and is disabled when the job ends.
Software documentation
- tbd (pitfalls, config, buildprocess)
this is partially wrong and needs correction
Arduino SENDS:
Code | Parameter | Expected reply | What does it mean | Example |
I | <iButton ID> | A, N | IButton scanned | I:33-000000000000 |
X | NONE | O | Lazzzor shutdown button hit (eXit) | X |
P | NONE | P | Ping! /Heartbeat | P |
Raspberry sends:
Code | Parameter | Expected reply | What does it mean | Example |
A | <username> | NONE | Authenticated | A:OVERFLO |
N | NONE | NONE | Not authenticated (invalid Button) | N |
O | NONE | NONE | Off (in response to X) | O |
P | NONE | NONE | Heartbeat / PING | P |
E | <Error> | NONE | Some Error occured | E:Network down!