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Version vom 16. Dezember 2012, 18:30 Uhr von Stefaniewu (Diskussion | Beiträge) (MISS BALTAZARS LABORATORY)
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Sechshauserstraße 28, 1150 Wien

Mz Baltazar's Laboratory is a weekly event taking place in Vienna (Austria), specifically for persons who call themselves women or trans. If you love to make things, rather than consuming them, meet up at Mz Baltazar's to share your skills. Mz Baltazar's participants come from different backgrounds, ages and mindsets to exchange equipement, build circuits, play with DIY electronics and interactive art. We encourage each other to learn new tools and collaborate. All workshops are free in order to offer a fearless, accessible plattform to tinker with male connotated toys. The artwork created at Mz Baltazar's Laboratory is generated with Open Source Soft- and Hardware. We see the process of demythifying technology as a fun way to articulate ourselves and become creative.

my website

Stefanie Wuschitz uses interactive technology to build mobile sound and video installations site-specifically encouraging the construction of unique social and collaborative spaces. Her current focus is on subversive public art produced by women with wireless technology. She was one of the organizers of the international festival 'Eclectic Tech Carnival' in Umea/Sweden and founder of 'Miss Baltazar's Laboratory'= weekly workshops on Open Source Software, Arduino, art techniques as e.g. laser cutting, wearable technology and circuit building (currently based at Metalab/Vienna) as well as led the following workshops: Mobile-hack-day, Supersimple Robots Workshop at Letni dilny Cistirna-Prague, XBee Workshop at OKNO Bruesseles, Mobile Processing Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden and many other. She graduated with honors from the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2006 and did her Masters at New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program in 2008.
