Super Gamedev Weekend/2012
The Super Gamedev Weekend returns. 48 hours and some more to satisfy your game creation needs!
Why compete in game jams, and why are there never too many?
Because quantity will lead you to quality
- Start: Fri, 2012-12-14 18:00
- End: Sun 2012-12-16 22:00
- Location: Metalab Vienna (mostly Hauptraum, sometimes Bibliothek - see below)
- Orga: hop, thp
- Friday evening in the library (Hacker Equality Workshop at the Hauptraum during that time)
- Saturday evening in the library (Zamenhof-Tag 2012 at the Hauptraum during that time)
Not in Vienna? how about Linz where TomK32 is seeding the Danubian Super Gamedev Weekend
Rough Schedule
- Friday evening: Gathering in the library, brainstorming + topic voting, etc...
- Saturday: Hack, hack, hack
- Saturday evening: Gathering in the library, status updates, presentations, demos, etc...
- Sunday: Hack, hack, hack
- Sunday evening: Demo time, together w/ PyUGAT
Hopefully we can squeeze in some workshops in the weekends before the SGDW12 for those who want to improve their skills or learn game programming.
Games / Participants
SGDW happens on the same weekend as Ludum Dare, so post your games there. If you want to share the code of your game with others, why not ask for access to our metalab Github account?
- Long list of games
- in the meanwhile, your name here
- ...
Previously on Super Gamedev Weekend