Metalab Booth at TEDxVienna 2012
We are invited to have our own Metalab booth at this year's TEDxVienna event, yay!
When: 3 November, 9am-9pm
Where: Odeon Theater
Audience: ~300 people
What: TEDx events are mostly about talks, and there will be quite a few of these sessions, but there'll also be a booth area where ca. 5 organisations, institutions, companies,... can present their "cool" projects. We'll have our own Metalab "booth" (think 1-2 tables) where we can present 3-5 projects all the suggested projects (see below) & ourselves.
Confirmed projects
- 3D printer #1 (Ultimaker) ... uniqx (needs: 2 poweroutlets)
- SolarRoboFlowers + more hackerspaceshop.com stuff + Puta Putin ... overflo (needs: 1+ power outlets)
- ScreenInvader ... amir + red667 + ? (needs: power outlets, internetz , projector or big screen, speakers)
Suggested Projects
- 3D printer (uniqx? wizard?) + misc. 3D-printed objects (StarCraft II Baneling von Anlumo, A-Mazing Box von Wizard, Stratos Glider, andere nützliche und gedruckte Gegenstände? Pepi hat noch ein Modell eines recht eindrucksvollen Cube-Cages den man drucken könnte.) (partly) CONFIRMED
- SolarRoboFlower (overflo) CONFIRMED
- Puta Putin (overflo) CONFIRMED (Kay will have to check if OK)
- Some blinky things.. (overflo) CONFIRMED
- DIY instruments (elmar)
- ScreenInvader (amir + ?) CONFIRMED
- Classical Painting (Anna)
- Fotolab projects (Moderately huge camera?)
- Wearable Tech (Anouk, mind, nex,... ?)
- misc. lazzzored objects
Amalettomat (zwax)... currently out of order
Kay is TEDxVienna's main contact/go-between for Metalab. You can contact her via e-mail (on- or off-list) or jabber if you have questions regarding the event.
Who can help with...?
- creating + printing flyers
- collecting existing or printing new, cool 3D objects to display
- creating 3D models for small objects we can print & give away at the event
- printing a batch of above 3D objects before the event
- lazzzoring small objects to give away red667, ...
- setting up the booth (transport of tables, projects, Metalab banner, making booth "presentable")
- running the booth (see also Confirmed Projects) ... Twissi, Pepi, uniqx,
- disassembling the booth (transport of tables, projects,..)