Archiv:Scala User Group
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This is a wiki of Vienna Scala Users Group. Group of people interested in Scala Programming Language based or around Vienna. Group aim is to meet regularly in 4 week cycle and share knowledge and experience about Scala and language ecosystem.
Short Rules
We post meeting minutes and following meeting agendas here.
We post questions, problems, ideas and basically all the discussions to: Google-Groups
We post code to: GitHub
Next Meeting
Estimated around 2012-09-19, agenda will follow aprox. week before.
22.08.2012 18h-20h
We talked about future interests of group members.
- Most of us are interested in functional programming possible in Scala, more particularly about Monads, Streams etc.
- Usage of collection library is another interesting thing, especially converting between collection representations, e.g. immutable to mutable, serial to parallel, lazy to direct.
- Martin presented Lambdaheads group and requested Alex for presentation of Scala in next meeting of group.
- New features from version 2.10, especially: reflection, macros are another point of interest.
- Real-world examples and usage of frameworks build in Scala, will be presented during next meetings.
- This also applies to tools, like SBT, JRebel and IDEs.