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aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
realnameOndřej Hošek
icon (U+2369, DejaVu Sans)
town of originPraha, CZE
current townWien, AUT
  • Linux (and potentially other UNIX flavors) system administration
  • databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, eventually Oracle)
  • VoIP (Asterisk)
  • networks (mainly IP over Ethernet, but 802.11 is fun too)
  • MIDI
  • extremely well-versed, possibly slightly insulting but eloquently formed responses followed by absolutely childish monosyllabic ejaculations
  • electronics (the Arduino is a godsend)
favorite drinkhydrogen hydroxide, Frucade
$LANGen_US, de_DE, cs_CZ (fluent); en_GB, de_CH (functional); fr_FR (n00b)
computer languagesbash, C, C#, CSS, Python, (X)HTML (advanced); Haskell, Objective-C, SQL (decent); Eiffel, Intel x86/x86_64 Assembler, Java, PL/SQL (beginner)
academic career2000–2008: Gymnasium in Vienna (completed)

2008–2009: Computer Science BSc at ETH Zürich (aborted)

2009–: Software and Information Engineering BSc at TU Wien
$EDITOR/usr/bin/vim, /usr/bin/nano, /bin/ed
  • Jabber: ondra.hosek@jabber.at

checking whether build environment is sane... configure error: F60.9, F32.2