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DeepSec 2009 Afterparty

aus Metalab Wiki, dem offenen Zentrum für meta-disziplinäre Magier und technisch-kreative Enthusiasten.
Version vom 21. November 2009, 13:42 Uhr von Pk (Diskussion | Beiträge) (wIki edit war... ;-))
DeepSec 2009 Conferencehttps://deepsec.net
Tags: AJAX, Web2.0, JavaScript, Cloud Computing, Code Analysis, Cryptographical Weaknesses, Digital Espionage, Digital Forensics, eVoting, Incident Response, Malware Research, Messaging Technologies, Network Protocols, Operating Systems, Secure Software Development, Security Management, Social Engineering, Virtualisation.

DeepSec IDSC is an annual European two-day in-depth conference on computer, network, and application security (November 17–20).

The community afterparty will take place at the Metalab,
a hackerspace in the 1st district of Vienna, Rathausstr. 6

  • on Friday, November 20th 2009
  • starting 8 pm

  • 20:00 – Party & Networking
  • 22:00 – Lightning Talks
    • grab the microphone & tell everyone about your favourite project, program, system, topic or website.
    • Everyone gets 5mins. This is your chance to tell the world!
    • A projector is available.
    • Lightning Talks 2008
  • continued partying