Functional Programming
- Date: Sun Nov 8 15:00:00 CEST 2009
- Durtation: about 3-4 hours
In this lecture/workshop we will discuss what Functional Programming is and why you might find it useful. We will show some basic examples in Haskell and Clojure. We will also try to show how Functional Programming has influenced modern programming languages like Ruby.
red667 and citizen428 will show you how it's done and hopefully give you some inspiration for using it in your future projects.
- benko
- kyrah
- ra
- meta
- max
- Phantasus
- syn
- oib
- reox
- worm23
- talaf
- wizard23
- bdbit
- cypher
- skrach
- cptwunderlich
- you?
and next?
Maybe some attendants will afterwards like to join the Darcs (modern distributed version control system written in haskell) hacking sprint in Vienna on the 14/15th of November: