Ein neuer Wuzzler muß her
"Unser" alter Tisch Garlando Stadion kostet neu € 678,-. Wenn sich genug Interessenten finden, können wir uns einen neuen Tisch kaufen.
Two years old, very lightly used (i.e. only by kyrah and me). Price: 120 EUR inkl. MwSt.
I suggest we toss in ca. 10 EUR each and collectively donate the wuzzler to the lab.
I also need someone with a kombi to help transport it from the 4. district.
I will pay 10 EUR: Marius, Rochus
old list:
max, kyrah, Marius, Philip, meta, Isis, Thomas, René, Fex, Vic, scripty, sushi, c3o, amir, Lukas, Antifuchs